High quality calibrations in the private KTEO of the Network of AUTOVISION SAKAR A.E.
The Calibration Laboratory of AUTOVISION SAKAR S.A. is accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System (Ε.SΥ.D.) to the ΕLΟΤ ΕΝ ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standard in order to provide private ΚΤΕΟ centers of the Network with integrated accreditation services.
More specifically, the lab’s services include the calibration of the entire testing equipment of a private KTEO center, i.e.:
The laboratory commits itself to provide its clients with high quality calibrations and to continuously improve the level of meeting such accreditation requirements. To this end, the lab has adequately trained and experienced technical personnel who are authorized to carry out accreditations. It has also developed modern logistics infrastructure.