Fee Commission
We would like to inform you that in case you do not wish to proceed with the following procedure, the issuance of overdue inspection fees can be done in all its KTEO
It is clarified that the issuance of the e-fee may, on a case-by-case basis, be charged with the relevant administrative costs of its issuance and payment.
The e-payment is made through the electronic Payment application (e-payment) of the website of G.G.P.S. (gsis) to the email address http://www.gsis.gr

1. In the field Public Body fill in: Transport Infrastructure & amp; Networks / Overdue control Public & Private KTEO
2 . In the field Payment Category you choose on a case by case basis according to the time of your late arrival:

For the right choice, refer to the following tables:
The fees for overdue inspections are determined in accordance with Y.A. 8913/1089 Government Gazette 501 B 5-3-2013.
3. In the field Tip Type you select on a case-by-case basis depending on the type of vehicle. The amount of the fee is automatically displayed on the screen.
4. Then you must type:
Tax Identification Number, NAME / ADDRESS, SURNAME, PATRONYM, MATRONYME, as they appear in the registration. E-MAIL and DATE OF BIRTH.
Attention! In case of incorrect registration (eg VASILIS instead of VASILEIOS) the program of G.GPS . will not let you proceed with the process.

The IBAN number is required in case due to an error the payment of the fee must be made.
Once the details have been entered correctly, enter the security number displayed at the bottom of the screen and press Submit Request.

Then we are transferred to the table where the final check is made and after making sure we proceed to a final request.

After confirming the payment details, you print the electronic payment and make the payment.
The payment of the fee is made:
• In banks or in ELTA with the “payment code”
• By using a credit, debit or prepaid card of Greek banks.
Do not forget to present the fee during your visit to KTEO.
We also inform you that in case you do not wish to proceed with the above procedure, the issuance of late control fees can be done in all KTEOs of the Network with the legal charge.